Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The American people deserve the same level of health care that is provided to members of Congress and not the so-called universal health care and socialized medicine espoused by some of the Presidential candidates.
The American people should not support or vote for the candidates for President of the United States who support universal and socialized medicine and who want the government to control our health care. It's just this simple: If the government controls your health care, the government controls you. The true path to reform of our health care system lies in preventive health care and the private sector, not government. But if people are in charge of their own health care, how can politicians use the threatened loss of that health care as a scare tactic in elections? Ladies and Gentlemen, that is the secret. The Presidential candidates who support universal and socialized medicine want to control you AND YOUR VOTES by making you dependent on a health care system that is flawed and is not designed to maintain or improve your health.
The universal and socialized health care game against the American people is simple. The supporters of this scam work tirelessly to make Americans more and more dependent on government. The supporters of this scam want to destroy American's individuality and their sense of self worth and make them believe that America is great because of government. Ladies and Gentlemen, America is great because of the dynamic of free people working together in a system based on economic liberty and the rule of law, and not because of government. The supporters of this scam want to make government the most important institution in the lives of every American -- every voter --- even more important than the Church or the family!
Once the supporters of this scam have created a dependency on government they will threaten the voters with the loss of their government-provided security blanket and hope that Americans will follow them anywhere ... all the way to the destruction of the American dream.
The American people will not fall for this scam because it has been exposed by millions of people like me who are interested in what is best for the American people. As a candidate for the United States Senate, I support private, preventive health care and health care savings accounts as some of the mechanisms for enhancing the health of my fellow Americans. I am totally opposed to the disastrous universal and socialized medicine scam, which will destroy the health, hopes, and dreams of the American people.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
If millions of people spend five bucks for a cup of coffee, they surely won't mind sending a dollar through the mail to ensure that I win the next Florida U. S. Senate election.
Ladies and Gentlemen, my concept is really pretty simple.
All I ask is for every person who stops by this website to send me one dollar. That's all. Just one dollar. Of course, if you like you can send more. When you send me a dollar, I can add that to all the other dollars and soon enough, those dollar bills will really add up. I'm hoping they'll add up to millions of dollars.
Why should you send me a dollar?
Friends, by doing so you will ensure my victory as your United States Senate FairTax candidate!
So friends, to ensure our victory, just pull out one of those one dollar George Washington bills, put it into an envelope and write the following on the front:
Dr. Belinda Noah
Candidate for the United States Senate
P.O. Box 46535
Tampa,Florida 33646
Please seal the envelope shut, place a stamp on the front and drop it in the mailbox. It's just that simple. You can be assured that you have done a wonderful thing for our country. And finally, tell everyone you know about this website and encourage them to send a dollar to me as well. Because the faster you help me, the faster I can start on the road to Victory for the people of this great country.
Of course, if you want to send more than a dollar, please feel free to do so. In the meantime, check back at this website to see how much money has been sent to me. I will put up a link of some sort to show the total amount that I receive.