Sunday, April 02, 2006


The Overwhelming Majority of Americans Oppose Guest Worker Program for Illegal Immigrants

I oppose a guest worker program for illegal immigrants, along with the overwhelming majority of Americans, because we realize that any country that is unable to secure its borders from massive illegal entry can no longer rightfully claim to be a truly sovereign nation. My ancestors, the Black and Indian Seminoles experienced such a lost of sovereignty of Florida when they were unable to stop the massive invasion of Americans into Florida in the 1800s.

Ladies and Gentlemen, as your next United States Senator and as an American citizen, I will make sure that history does not repeat itself in our great state of Florida. Unfortunately, my opponents apparently don't understand or don't care that the sovereignty of the United States is seriously at stake due to illegal immigration into this country.

A vote for Noah is a vote for the Fairtax and for the sovereignty of the United States!

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