Monday, January 16, 2006


Reflections on Martin Luther King, Jr.

As we pause today to honor Martin Luther King, Jr., it is important to remember that in his fight for civil rights for all Americans, he epitomized the fusion of politics and religion, as envisioned by our Founders.

Similarly, as your next United States Senator, I will work tirelessly to make sure that all Floridians are treated equally under the law.


The United States Constitution

The United States has continued under our Constitution longer than any other country in the world today, and our Constitution affirms the religious basis upon which this great country was founded. Hence, the intent of the Founders of the United States was to allow the citizens to pursue their own path under God with limited governmental interference. In fact, if everyone abided by the Ten Commandments there would be no need for the numerous other laws that are in force today. Of course, because of human frailties that is not possible.

Thus, as your next United States Senator, I will abide by the Constitution as I work to put the decision-making power for the welfare of the family back where it belongs, which is in the hands of the people.

Friday, January 06, 2006


America Is One Nation Under God

The Founders of this great country, America, established a Constitutional Republic that recognizes the unalienable rights of all men and women to their lives, their liberty, and their property, with minimal interference. These rights were eventually extended to all men and women, regardless of race, color, religion, or national origin.

John Adams, the chief architect of the United States Constitution wrote: "The Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other".

Thus, ladies and gentlemen, it was God's words that most inspired America's Founders in their gallant quest for freedom over 200 years ago. In the twenty first century we must honor God's law to enjoy economic prosperity and to avoid unnecessary taxation, regulation, wars, and poverty.

Of course, as a descendant of Florida's Native Americans, I understand that America had already been "founded" before the United States Consitution was written. In fact, the Seminole Indians of Florida, of which I am a descendant, are the only "unconquered" Native American group in the United States. However, I also understand that the people that reside in the United States today must abide by the laws of the United States, because the United States won the overall war against the Native American population and the British. "To the victor goes the spoils of war."

Hence, as your Florida U. S. Senator, I will abide by the Constitution that was inspired by God. In that vein, I will work tirelessly to ensure that no unnecessary governmental impediments preclude the proper functioning of our most important institutions, so that my constituents can pursue the economic prosperity that they deserve. Such institutions include marriage, family, and the church.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


What The Voters Want

In accordance with the wishes of some of the Florida voters who will elect me to the United States Senate in 2006, in the coming weeks, I will use this blog to explain to the readers how I will enhance the lives of all Floridians and Americans to a level that has never been seen before, but was envisioned by the Founders of this great country.

The first blog on this issue will be posted soon, so please visit often.

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